The following resources will help you to understand what Shared Care is and how others have implemented this patient centred approach in their local dialysis centres.

You will see that although there are similarities between each one, they have found their own unique methods of supporting patients.

There are four stories:

  1. Tania Barnes: What I tell healthcare practitioners about shared care
  2. Danni's story
  3. Anitta's story
  4. Donna's story

What I tell healthcare practitioners about shared care

An introduction from Tania Barnes, Shared Care lead.
Read Tania's introduction.

Danni's story

Learn how Danni felt before the Shared Care programme and how she and her patients benefited from the change.
Danni's story

Anitta's story

Learn how Anitta created a Shared Care environment in her satellite dialysis unit.
Anitta's story

Donna's story

Watch and listen to Donna describing her role and how it benefited the patients in her dialysis unit.
Donna's story