The Shared Care Patient Competency Record (v2) – commonly known as the Patient Handbook – is the result of an extended project by multiple organisations.
The intention has been to provide a generic record of progress and competence that is attractive and easy for patients and staff to use on any dialysis unit.
What's inside?
- Space for the patient's personal reflections on how they like to learn and what support they feel they need
- Simple step-by-step progress guides to help direct and structure the patient's shared care journey
- Guided progress forms to track the patient's shared care journey and evidence nurse observation and sign-off
Terms of use
The updated changes in v2 were made following extensive revision and rigorous trials by staff and patients in units with experience of shared haemodialysis care. This document is also intended to be used as a key component in patient care. As such, it is vital for us to maintain the consistency and integrity of this document across units using it. Therefore this handbook is covered by some additional terms of use that must be followed:
Use without content changes
If you wish to use this as a document in its current form and not make any design or content changes:
You may:
Add your own Trust logo to the bottom left hand corner of the cover
You must:
Keep the ShareHD and Foundation Health logos intact in their original position
You may not:
Make any other changes to the content, layout or design of the handbook
Make changes to the content
If you intend to make any additions or adaptations to the original design or content:
You must:
Clearly reference the original source of this document (including the owners, version adapted, date)
Clearly define changes that you have made
Rebrand this handbook as your own document and clearly identify as not being the original ShareHD / Health Foundation handbook
You must not:
Present an edited version of this document as the original handbook
Present the document as being the work of your own organisation without due attribution to the original authors
If you have ideas or feedback on potential improvements, we would welcome you sharing your changes with us.
Advice when making changes:
Text must be large enough to read and consistent throughout
Avoid abbreviations, overly technical terms and colloquial language
Keep it attractive, and test out what your patients think (preferably involving them in the design process from the beginning)
Avoid making it overly complex with images and specific guidance – this is a record of progress and competency. A locally produced procedure guide would be preferred as an additional resource for non-progress related content.
Language support
Information on how to translate Shared HD Care downloadable resources into languages other than English including a video guide is available on our language support page.
Download the Shared Care Patient Competency Handbook
To access the handbook, please fill out the form below and click submit.