All shared care champions and managers from the dialysis units within Leeds Trust were invited to join a celebratory event to mark their shared haemodialysis care unit achievements.

Active shared care patients received certificates during the event for speaking about their experiences and describing how they had benefited from being more involved in their care.

The improvement data was shared and staff from the dialysis units were awarded with certificates for improvements. One unit won the Leeds clinical speciality scheme ‘Head Nurse’ award that recognises individual initiatives that go beyond normal duties having designed a unique leaflet.

Senior managers reported that the event had been really empowering for staff and patients, inspiring them to keep improving their shared care programmes. This could be a regular event to inspire and motivate further success.

  • Data was shared with Shared HD Care Champions and patients
  • Three patients talked about their shared care experience
  • Awards and certificates were given to celebrate staff success
  • All champions were empowered and challenged in a positive way to receive an award next time

Shared HD Care progress in Leeds

July 2022

Total dialysis patients in the Trust 588

Patients doing Shared Care 62

Percentage 10.5%

February 2023

Total dialysis patients in the Trust 608

Patients doing Shared Care 150

Percentage 24%

June 2023

Total dialysis patients in the Trust 607

Patients doing Shared Care 160

Percentage 26%

We pledge to continue to enable our patients to take ownership of their health through education and empowerment. We will Make Shared HD Care the norm, supporting each team to develop their own strategies and engaging all levels of staff to work in partnership with patients to provide shared care options.
Leeds Teaching Hospital vision