Promoting success stories, awards, and other achievements from our colleagues across Shared Haemodialysis Care.

Barts Hospital: Nursing Times Awards 2020

At the Nursing Times 2020 Awards, Barts Hospital won the category for 'Promoting patient self-management' with their Shared Haemodialysis Care programme.

Their objective was to deliver a cultural change, giving haemodialysis patients the opportunity and support to become active partners in their own care across the main and 7 satellite units in the region.

"When we tried to introduce shared care, most of the patients did not know anything about it or show much interest in doing it. There was also a lack of staff interest in training patients and little training on how to teach the patients. There was a misconception by patients that they would have to dialyse at home."

What the Barts Hospital team did

  • We allocated teams in the unit to be main trainers and promoters in shared care
  • We created notice boards specifically for shared care in our waiting area to create awareness
  • We adapted the way we trained the patients so that it was similar to home haemodialysis, making it easier for them to transfer across if they wanted to
  • We made a shared care leaflet and used it as a starting point for conversation
  • We encouraged new patients to do shared care from the start if they were able to

Barts Hospital Shared Care results

  • Our numbers did increase at the start (though numbers do fluctuate because of transplants)
  • The enthusiasm of staff has improved
  • Communication between the shared care team has improved
  • More patients are asking about shared care and are trying to do something for themselves
  • We have improved our training plan for the patients
  • We now have more resources we can use to help patients learn