Shared HD Care course

The Shared HD Care course, established in 2011, is an RCN-accredited CPD qualification for haemodialysis unit teams, training them to enhance patient-centred care through self-management.

Quite simply – shared haemodialysis care puts patients back in control!

We know how important shared decision making is to patients, and this is one of the 13 key themes measured in the Kidney Patient Related Experience Measure (PREM).

Shared HD Care training, resources and community

  • Shared HD Care Course

    The Course is for haemodialysis units who want to establish or renew a SHDC programme. The course takes place via Microsoft Teams over two days and is funded by Kidney Care UK.

  • Shared HD Care events

    The shared care community of support enables haemodialysis unit teams to receive information and direction to plan and progress with their programmes.

  • Resources

    We have collected a range of resources, both created during the Shared Care scaling up project and sourced from wider external organisations and partners. All content here is freely available for download, sharing and editing.

Development of the Shared Haemodialysis Care Course

Read a 2023 Clinical Kidney Journal article to understand how the course has evolved from its beginnings in 2011 into the training we have today, involving patients in shared haemodialysis care with teams of health care practitioners and patients learning from and with each other.
A learning process to deliver virtual staff training involving patients in shared haemodialysis care
  • 253

    Staff trained virtually on the online course since 2020
  • 901

    Staff trained since the course was launched in 2011
  • 65

    patient attendees on Shared Care courses