Trying out a collaborative style of conversation

Here are some examples of open questions that you can ask your patients in a 1:1 conversation to find out a what their motivation for doing it might be or what concerns them and why they don’t want to do certain tasks:

  • Tell me what you know about shared haemodialysis care?
  • Tell me how you feel about shared haemodialysis care?
  • Tell me what you want from shared haemodialysis care?
  • Tell me what you like about shared haemodialysis care?
  • Tell me what you don’t like about shared haemodialysis care?

This may reveal quite a lot about the individual’s understanding and how they feel.

  1. Listen to what they say in answer to your open questions and thank them for sharing their thoughts with you
  2. You could then give them some information based on what they have said or you might make a suggestion
  3. Then ask what they think about that what you have offered in response.